No one is better than a waiter. Oh well! These sets of persons always feel they can do things better than those who are doing it and yet do nothing. They are the indecisive ones, never satisfied with what they have and where they are, and never taking the step needed for the desired change. Always wanting to be rescued or rewarded with little or no effort from their side. They forget life is give and take, what you put in is what you get. I don’t really understand how this mindset comes to play, I guess it is most likely born from laziness, procrastination, dependency, and lack of vision but trust me this is not a category you want to put yourself in and if you are already there; don’t feel bad, there is a solution, because ignorance at times can steal from us but when we know and apply, we gain. Nothing would move, except you make a move.
A friend went for an interview in a restaurant, she was told to wait for the boss, which she did but as she sat waiting, she discovered that customers were trooping in and the hands-on-deck were limited. What did she do? She swung into action, with her “peng” look and smile, it was so easy for everyone to fall in love with her there and then. By the time the boss came, he met her already working. Do I need to say more? She got the job. Imagine if she just sat there watching and waiting with others for the “boss”.
Why not learn from waiters at a restaurant, they don’t just sit and catwalk around waiting for someone to pay them after they’ve done nothing. They get paid by working, by serving customers and sometimes they get doubly rewarded for their efforts, from getting big tips on the job to meeting persons that can change their life for good forever, but this doesn’t come when they are idle; opportunity comes for the prepared.
Good things don’t come to those who wait but those that hustle and if the patient dog is not careful and smart it would end up not eating any bone. Waiting is not the period to standstill and do nothing. It is not the time to just be unsatisfied with what is going on with and around you. It is the time to do, the time to right every wrong. As you follow your goals, you realize your vision becomes clearer, you become less dependent on other people and you do not get angry with other people’s success but celebrate with them.
Whatever you need to do, do it now! if it means asking for help, please ask, if it means volunteering, volunteer now! In the famous words of Nike, “Just Do It”. You get better by doing.