Have you ever gotten confused on how Fashion differs from Style? In most cases, individuals have misguided judgements about what style is and what fashion is. Additionally, as a society, we have devalued and lost our conceptual understanding of fashion, and of style. We often innocently throw fashion and style interchangeably. Be that as it may, the same fashion and style are very comparative despite the fact that they are particularly different. It is the mission for one, rather than the other, that is provoking the loss of specialty of dress.
Fashion deals with what you wear. Pants, skirts, jackets, tops, sweaters, footwears, accessories and more. It gives you something to wear that is either very much in trend or a more classic feel. It is a coordinating procedure between what’s out there to what I’m wearing. Fashion makes one ask the question “Is what I’m wearing a ‘match’ for what’s out there”?
However, style is the relationship to the internal. It’s is about “what is in here” (my feeling of self, my personality, my impression of who I am). The coordinating procedure is between what’s in here and how that is reflected and communicated in what I’m wearing. Does my outfit ‘match’ my personality, in any event at least for now? Additionally, style is the portrayal of how you decide to inventively communicate in dress. It utilizes components of design, approached with care, expectation and much concept.
Unlike style which creates and develops with you over a lifetime, Fashion shifts! Even if something you are wearing is considered in fashion today, it likely won’t be very soon, potentially as early as tomorrow (if not then, then one week from now or one month from now). Whenever it is, it is soon. In otherwords, style is ageless rather than quick(fashion). Style says ‘just me’, instead of ‘me too’. Style is classy as opposed to trendy. Style will in general be an attribute of a specific sort of person; of a specific maturity, sophistication, and/or pedigree. When you see a woman with style as opposed to one restricted fashion trends, you will simply know.
I’ll end this with the words of Stacy London, “never confuse fashion and style. Fashion relies on unattainable looks on women with unrealistic bodies. Style is about utilizing the best aspects of you”